Why Opt For Custom Furniture

When it comes to furnishing our home, the usual thing is to opt for conventional furniture. After browsing magazines, catalogs and visiting dozens of establishments, we choose the type of furniture that best suits our tastes, needs and budget. However, there are already many people who have discovered the innumerable advantages of having custom furniture in their home. Do we review and do you know them too?

One of the clearest advantages of custom furniture is the possibility it offers us to take advantage of spaces that would otherwise have no use. By presenting the bathroom in an irregular way, it offered us the opportunity to design practical custom-made wooden furniture next to the mirror and the toilet. Surely now you see more clearly what we want to convey! No furniture would have adjusted to space with this perfection. This type of small spaces in which it seems that nothing fits, are the ideal place to opt for a customized solution.

Tailored Kitchens, One Of Our Specialties

When in Arizona, we face a comprehensive reform project, whenever we can design the kitchen completely tailored. It is true that we can, and we know, adapt modules to any space, but it is also true that if we want to multiply the storage capacity of kitchen furniture and that the space distils a unique personality, custom design offers us many more possibilities. The island acts as a backbone in the day area and, both this and the kitchen furniture we designed it to fit perfectly on the surface we had.

Custom Furniture Offers The Possibility To Customize Your Home

In a world where homogenization and standardization are imposed, it is a real luxury to have custom pieces of furniture designed specifically for a specific place in your home. With the same floating parquet that we use for the pavement, we have given a solution to the headboard. In this way we have an element that fits perfectly to the space and that is also visually integrated into it. And let’s not forget, a customized solution is always a unique solution.

Completely Adapt A Space To Your Needs Thanks To Custom Furniture

Sometimes we have a stay where we plan to develop a specific activity. We have clear needs, but we have not just found the furnishing solutions that best fit our requirements. That’s when custom furniture becomes an excellent option!

Do not believe that all custom solutions go through the use of wood. We custom designed an incredible metal shelving that completely covers one of the vertical walls of the living room. The contrast with the brick face we love and we take advantage of this area of ​​the house to the millimeter.